Customer Testimonials

Jane Ferrari - June 2013
Dear Sharon Just a quick note to thank you for the beautiful hat I hired from you. It made a special day more special with a great piece! Thank you also for your help at the last minute with changes etc and could not have wished for a better hat hire experience. Many thanks again.

Mrs Robinson, East Yorkshire - March 2013
Hat was made to exactly match our customer's garments. We were provided with spare material to incorporate into the final design to create a cohesive look. The verdict? 'I'm so delighted with it - thank you so much!'

K. Denman, Cambs, March 2013
'It was the wedding yesterday. It went amazingly well and everyone commented on my hat. The manager of Skidby Mill called me over and asked me if I was a celebrity seriously'

Juliette Lee, Yorkshire - August 2013
'The perfect hat for the perfect day - thank you'

Susan Sauer, Germany - July 2013
'Just back from the Dubai world cup. People and press loved my hat'

Megan Mckenzie, North Yorkshire - November 2013
'The hat looked amazing, everyone kept complimenting me all day long'

Judith Mackinnon, Scotland - March 2013
Just to let you know my hat arrived – and What a Hat!!! Absolutely gorgeous and brilliant service from you – I really, really appreciate it. Thank you so much.

Tracy Rafter - June 2015
Beautiful hats and Sharon is a lovely lady to deal with. Always my first choice.

Lou Kilburn - June 2015
What a Hat: Beautiful hats and accessories. Great service.

Sara Snood - May 2015
What a Hat contacted me post hearing about my fundraising efforts for Macmillan Cancer Care during my treatment for recently diagnosed breast cancer. My Different Daily Headgear Challenge is aiming to raise £10,000 by sporting a different head gear every day for a year. The other a day a HUGE box arrived with a vast array of the most fabulous hats. from Sharon at What A Hat. I was literally moved to tears. Thank you What A Hat - your generosity.

Rhian Higgins - November 2014
Thank you What a Hat for such a beautiful hat. I certainly made an entrance had loads of comments.

Caroline Arton - August 2014
I wouldn't go any where else everything at What A Hat is so classy